Art and science education for Joshua Tree National Park staff
Working with iSWOOP (interpreters and scientists working on our parks) as both featured scientist and artist in residence, I developed a multimedia visual library of my research for education outreach in Joshua Tree National Park. This collection of rich imagery is used by park staff and interpreters to better explain my ecological and arts research on Joshua trees and their symbiotic partners to the public.

Jennifer Albrink, 2019. A Joshua Tree Love Story at the black rock gallery. Palm Springs Life. https://www.palmspringslife.com/events/art-exhibition-a-joshua-tree-love-story-at-the-black-rock-art-gallery/
Jennifer McNulty, 2019. Public invited to view Norris Center art-science residency projects. Tuesday Newsday. https://news.ucsc.edu/2019/10/holl-art.html
Hillary Sloane, 2019. Juniper and the Joshua trees: Morongo Valley native delves into the desert species’ survival. Hi-Desert Star. http://www.hidesertstar.com/news/article_10e1b540-45f1-11e9-8b1e-27d25306a10f.html
Harrower, J. 2019. Merging Art, Science, and Motherhood to Save Joshua Trees. Leonardo: doi: 10.1162/leon_a_01791
Harrower, J., Parker, J., Merson, M., 2018. (cover feature) Species Loss: Exploring Opportunities with Art-Science. Journal of Integrative and Comparative Biology:doi.10.1093/icb/icy016