On the Edge: Connecting with Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species of the Central Coast
We are in the midst of a major extinction event that we are experiencing globally and locally. In response, On the Edge is a social practice outreach project in collaboration with my UC Santa Cruz students and various bay area communities.
To understand local impacts I visited numerous University of California Reserves with student artists to study and illustrate threatened organisms of the central coast. This work culminated with the publication "On the Edge: An Illustrated Guide to the Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species of the CA Central Coast", edited by myself, naturalist Trent Pearce, and ecologist Dr. Veronica Yovovich, with contributions from 17 students. The book project is paired with a pop-up relief printmaking project for community engagement and has been exhibited at the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, and the Norris Center for Natural History (with upcoming events at the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History and the Cal Academy of Science).
Books are available for purchase (proceeds support art-science program development) at the Norris Center for Natural history, the Museum of Art and History, and the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History.
Upcoming Events here