Hey Jtree: An online dating site to meet Joshua trees!
Hey JTree is an ongoing participatory art research project and mock on-line dating site for meeting Joshua trees. Working with over 50 visual artists, writers, musicians and thousands of community members, we create individual dating style profiles for each tree using text, photographs, art, and short video clips of Joshua trees set to music. Participants can make a relief ink print of their favorite tree to take home, share a love letter for their tree that becomes part of the project archives, and take an audio guided journey to visit their tree. By playfully co-opting the tools that often separate us from the natural world HeyJtree is a provocation to connect with threatened species.
Visit Hey Jtree and meet the trees!
Educators - Pair this project with our Joshua tree curriculum unit!

Jessica Hester, 2019. The art and science of falling in love with Joshua trees. Atlas Obscura. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/joshua-tree-art
Jennifer Albrink, 2019. A Joshua Tree Love Story at the black rock gallery. Palm Springs Life. https://www.palmspringslife.com/events/art-exhibition-a-joshua-tree-love-story-at-the-black-rock-art-gallery/
Hillary Sloane, 2019. Juniper and the Joshua trees: Morongo Valley native delves into the desert species’ survival. Hi-Desert Star. http://www.hidesertstar.com/news/article_10e1b540-45f1-11e9-8b1e-27d25306a10f.html
Richard Dion, 2019. Juniper Harrower on art and science. The Soul of California podcast. http://thesoulofcalifornia.libsyn.com/
Chris Clarke, 2018. The Joshua Tree: Myth, Mutualism and Survival. Co-published with KCET Artbound and The Mojave Project. https://www.kcet.org/shows/artbound/the-joshua-tree-myth-mutualism-and-survival
Philip Kiefer, 2018. Iconic Joshua Trees may disappear but scientists are fighting back.
National Geographic. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/2018/10/joshua-trees-moths-threatened-climate-change-scientists-seek-solutions
Harrower, J. 2019. Merging Art, Science, and Motherhood to Save Joshua Trees. Leonardo: doi: 10.1162/leon_a_01791
Harrower, J., Parker, J., Merson, M., 2018. (cover feature) Species Loss: Exploring Opportunities with Art-Science. Journal of Integrative and Comparative Biology:doi.10.1093/icb/icy016