Art-science program development
As director of Art+Science at the UC Santa Cruz Norris Center for Natural History I create science+art outreach and programming to impact environmental policy, educate students, facilitate art and science collaborations, and for public outreach. This involves building art/science curriculum, developing innovative research driven art programming, running an art-science residency for faculty and students, as well as creating and teaching a new art-science integrated course. My work, as well as that of the students that I teach and mentor, has been used for public outreach and education, including a published book on bee population decline, a book on species loss, multiple field guides, academic publications, and a public outreach project on the impact that a US/Mexico wall would have on biodiversity. Other outcomes include multiple student art shows and sales, use of student art in science talks, and natural history themed artist workshops and events.
Jonathan Wosen, 2019. UC Santa Cruz program brings science to life through art. Santa Cruz Sentinel. https://www.santacruzsentinel.com/2019/11/08/program-brings-science-to-life-through-art/
Jennifer McNulty, 2019. Public invited to view Norris Center art-science residency projects. Tuesday Newsday. https://news.ucsc.edu/2019/10/holl-art.html